Monday, September 1, 2014

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Everybody should just like ghostbusters and that can be the end of it.

      Most people like the classic 80's comedy ghostbusters.  Some people don't, they aren't necessarily bad people but they are, fuck those people.  Some of them haven't even seen ghostbusters and that's why they don't like it (or more accurately don't have a positive opinion towards it).  There are some people who would claim to like ghostbusters but they don't really "get it" like they don't laugh at some of the funniest parts like when what's his name is a huge shit head to the ghostbusters.  I feel like these are the people I have the biggest issue with.  I mean I guess I could understand if somebody just hates Dan Aykroyd and can't get over his dumb face or whatever.  That's an OK reason to not like ghostbusterz fuck Dan Aykroyd to paraphrase NPR contributor Jesse Thorn "you think Dan Aykroyd is doing this like parody of a certain kind of guy but it turns out he just is that guy" maybe Jesse Thorn is right and the people who hate him are just really good judges of character?
      But back to my thesis the real shit heads who I'm talking about who don't like ghostbusters,  the ones who resent it's place in our culture.  Not like inner city youth or whatever they can resent ghostbusters all they want, I'm talking about people who watch anime but not ghostbusters.  The people who didn't want to be like Bill Murray when they grew up.  I think they think that they found some grand truth in not being sarcastic or understanding jokes about a shit head yelling at the ghostbusters or whatever but they haven't they just found anime and it's terrible cloyingness. Like I watched the first couple episodes of Attack on Titan and do you know what?  The jokes were terrible,  like "haha man this guy sure is sort of a whiny shithead who is also a great fighter or something but being a great fighter is sort of a dumb thing to be in this world because it just means you get killed by titans faster?"  like that's the extent of the jokes,  there's no scene where bill murray acts aloof because bill murray isn't even in it, bill murray isn't in any anime not one, dude did a cameo in the fucking Get Smart movie but he knows he's too good for the entire medium of anime.
      People will ask me "hey Sentishit what about Grave of the Fireflies that was a great anime, can people like that instead of ghostbusters?"  and the answer is still no you can't as I just learned in the comments section of a Film Crit Hulk article Grave of the Fireflies was just a huge guilt trip to try to get Japan's youth to calm down and stop pick pocketing people on the subway or having pre-marital sex or whatever adorable thing Japan's rambunctious youth did in the 80's that was "So out of control".  Ghostbusters is the polar opposite of this,  it was a call to arms that's the real meat of what I'm saying here.  Ghostbusters was a call to arms (very moderate arms) and almost everybody heard it but some people don't' even acknowledge it and some of those people are the ones running our country(but most of them are just jerking off to anime which I guess thank god for that?).